AKVIS Retoucher


  1. Akvis Retoucher 9.6
  2. Akvis Retoucher Review
  3. Akvis Retoucher Download
  4. Akvis Retoucher

Akvis Retoucher 9.6

Akvis retoucher free downloadRetoucher

Akvis Retoucher Review

AKVIS Retoucher provides everything you need for restoring and retouching your images -- automatically getting rid of defects and optimizing the images to the max.
It is a tool designed especially for deteriorated images like antique photographs that over time have lost their quality and that now have things like scratches and specks of dirt.
AKVIS Retoucher is an effective tool for retouching photographs and restoring images. It allows you to automatically remove certain defects like specks of dirt, scratches – anything you wouldn’t want on the photograph. It’s a very practical tool for restoring pictures.
The only thing you have to do is select the defects on the image so that the program can automatically substitute the unnecessary fragments with others from the image.
This plugin is only effective if you have any version of Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Jasc Paint Shop Pro, or Ulead PhotoImpact installed on your computer.

Akvis Retoucher Download

Akvis retoucher 9.6

Akvis Retoucher

Akvis-retoucher-app.dmg pour installer la version Standalone, - akvis-retoucher-plugin.dmg pour installer le Plugin. /LVH/ DFFRUGGHOLFHQFHHWFRFKHODERvWH J'accepte les termes de ce contrat de licence si vous acceptez les termes de L'accord. /H)LQGHUV RXYUHDYHFO DSSOLFDWLRQ$.9,65HWRXFKHURXOHSOXJLQ$.9,65HWRXFKHUjO LQWpULHXU. It's an efficient program for photo restoration and photo retouching. AKVIS Retoucher2 is developed by AKVIS LLC. Read the full review of AKVIS Retoucher at.